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Known Bugs

For best use:
  1. Grow is best used on a computer with a screen and mouse.
  2. Make sure there is a good internet connection.
  3. Entries can be made on mobile.
  4. The stats can be viewed on a tablet, but much of the interactive features work best with a mouse, not a finger.

This software was built on Flutter as a beta app. There are known issues with the build. This page is here to help you get through things until the bugs can be fixed and the software can be upgraded.

If you want to report something, please make a pull request, or report the issue on the discord.

Buggy Items

ScreenErrorPossible Solutions
Entry ScreenApp is a blank white screenApp Load Error
Entry fails to submitCategory Input,
Time Field Formatting
Entries blank with loading symbolEntries Decrypting
Graph ScreenDraggable Trash Target does not disappearNeeds Refresh

Category Inputs

May cause entry submission errors.

Press Enter instead of Tab. Your category field should have a small icon to its left, as shown in the second image.

If the category is left as it is in the first image, the entry sheet will not submit.

App Load Error

Sometimes the app fails to load for a number of reasons.
Simply try a hard refresh. ♺

If a refresh doesn't work, make sure you have a strong internet connection. The app frequently fails to load on mobile if there is not a strong internet connection.

Entries Decrypting